02890 370 416
02890 779 823
Picture of Videx 4302 Digital Panel

Videx 4302 Digital Panel

4000 Series Digital door panel available with:- Mono or colour cameraSearch facility or Alpha keys A-FSurface or flush housingThe door panel includes features such as verbal and text call progressing information, can call up to 1000 apartments, individual user access code facility and much more.
Product image Product image

Full Description


Product Code: 4302 (Article Code: 4302)


The panel is available in the following variants:-

4302F   -   Flush with mono camera and A-F keys

4302S  -   Surface with mono camera and A-F keys

4302FR -   Flush with mono camera and search keys

4302SR -   Surface with mono camera and search keys

4302F/C   -   Flush with colour camera and A-F keys

4302S/C  -   Surface with colour camera and A-F keys

4302FR/C -   Flush with colour camera and search keys

4302SR/C -   Surface with colour camera and search keys


Additional Information

Datasheet (651K)

Manual (4M)