02890 370 416
02890 779 823
Picture of Videx 4000 Series VKX4K   Videokit with proximity access control
The VKX4K videokit is available in the following formats

Picture of Videx VKFP4K 4000 Series videokit with finger print reader access control
The VKFP4K videokit is available in the following formats

Picture of Videx CVR4KV-1   Vandal resistant video kit
Vandal resistant kit with flush colour video door panel complete with speak and open LED's, 3000 Series videophone and PSU.

Picture of Videx VR4KV-1S/CL   Vandal resisant video kit with codelock
Vandal resisant videokit based on the VR 4000 series modular design incorporating a coded access module

Picture of Videx 4302FVR Digital Panel
Vandal resistant digital door panel for the VX2300 2 wire system. Includes features such as optional alpha keys (A-I), voice and text call progressing information, 12 gauge stainless steel facil with lexan windows to protect the display and camera and much more.

Picture of Videx 4302 Digital Panel
4000 Series Digital door panel available with:- Mono or colour cameraSearch facility or Alpha keys A-FSurface or flush housingThe door panel includes features such as verbal and text call progressing information, can call up to 1000 apartments, individual user access code facility and much more.

Picture of Videx VR1/2W  1 - 20 button VR flush door panels
A range of functional vandal resistant flush door panels from 1 - 20 buttons for the VX2200 system.